Saturday, April 9, 2011

bitter sweet

sweet things:
~ just got myself a new specs. whoa,seriously its awesome !
~ i've got one confession rite here :
the true story 'bout my lost specs : act, it didn't lost.
i threw it away. y? i didn't mean to throw it away. i just want to throw away my garbage, then that old specs of mine happened to be in that plastic bag. when i've realised that i have threw it away, its too late already. sorry mum and dad. *sob*sob* ='(

bitter things :
~ having such a hard time to deal with certain people. maybe time can cure it. i hope so. i'm really sorry, its my fault.

"my life is quite gloomy rite now. such a dark place. just give me the lights and show me the way out"


  1. ooo. ko buang spec tuh. hahaha. klakar laaa. hehe :)

  2. hahahah... the real story !! tp aq ckp dah ilang argh.. nuck maty kne mrah ngan mak aq ?


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